
Wuxi Shiding Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Hanging basket and accessories



You must know gondola job safety knowledge

You must know gondola job safety knowledge
First, construction program
Third, the suspension mechanism
★ support of the building or structure shall be able to withstand the full weight of the basket, the front suspension mechanism bracket should not be supported in building cornice or parapet edge
★ front outer beam elongation in line with the provisions of the product specification
★ front bracket and vertical support surface, the bracket should be fixed to the front bracket adjustment lever node connected with the cantilevered beam
Setup Requirements:
1 force, suspension mechanism is applied to the top surface of the building or structure shall comply with the requirements of the load-bearing structure of the building.
2, front beam overhang length should meet product specification requirements.
★ dedicated and weight meet the design requirements of the counterweight
Setup Requirements:
1, basket hitch or roof trolley must be configured with the appropriate weight, can not use other objects instead of sandbags, bricks and so on.
2, with weights weight shall comply with the product specification requirements, without artificial measures to move the fixed and set up to prevent.
Fourth, rope
★ working rope and security rope shall have a broken wire, loose stocks, hard bend, rust or oil deposits
★ safety rope specifications, models and work the same rope, and should be independent suspension
Take appropriate measures to protect the wire rope ★ welding work
Setup Requirements:
1, the basket should use high-strength, galvanized, softness good rope, wire rope shall be the working conditions and breaking force S selection basket wire rope, wire rope for climbing the chosen formula must meet the requirements of GB 8902; for winch We must meet the requirements of GB 1102, and must have product performance certification.
2, the load-bearing rope in any case not less than the actual diameter of 6mm.
3, the rope may not have broken wire, loose stocks, tight bends, corrosion and other defects or oil deposits.
4, the actual rope diameter than the nominal diameter reduction of 7% or more, even without visible broken wire, wire rope also be scrapped.
5, steel wire rope and steel corrosion attack due to losses caused by the relaxation response of the rope to be scrapped.
6, the addition of the same type used on the lifting mechanism and a safety rope hanging in the basket at the platform, safety rope should be independent suspension.
7, during normal operation, the safety rope should be in suspended state.
8, to take measures to protect the basket equipment, wire rope, cable welding work. Welding must not be placed in the basket, welding cables may not touch any part of the basket; welding clamp can not be hooked on the basket. It is forbidden to use the basket to make welding wire loop.
★ Use the basket must have a special construction program, and the support structure at the basket bracket should be checking the bearing capacity;
★ special construction program must go through examination and approval.
Setup Requirements:
1, operations basket height must be prepared to use the special construction program, or at the basket holder supporting structure (usually a floor or roof) the bearer checking.
2, before the height of the basket construction by construction enterprise technology sector and organize construction technology, safety, quality of professional and technical personnel and other departments for review, signed by the technical director of construction companies audited by and stamped with corporate seal after the newspaper supervision enterprises, the project chief supervision engineer qualifications examined and signed and stamped registration chapter.

Second, the safety device 
★ cradle must install sensitive and reliable anti-fall safety lock
★ anti-fall safety locks should be used in the calibration within the period prescribed
 Setup Requirements:
1, high operating basket must be installed with effective anti-fall safety lock.
2, the effective date of the calibration of the safety lock is generally not more than 12 months.
3, anti-fall basket transposition shall be subject to statutory testing organizations calibrated before use. Use, the unit should be periodically limited use and reliability testing.
4, when the suspended platform running speed of rope speed safety locks that automatically lock the safety rope, and no more than stop within a distance of 200mm.
★Should be set on the gondola special safety rope and safety lock, safety rope should be fixed in a reliable location of the building 
Setup Requirements:
1, the safety rope set for staff hanged belt safety catch, safety rope should be a separate building reliable fixed position.
2, you should use nylon safety rope safety rope, hanging rope and the whole set up, can not take a long use. When the multi-strand rope is not less than the number of shares 3 shares, leaving no loose wire rope, near the welding, cutting, heat and other places, to deal with safety rope for protection, all parts should be smooth, no material or manufacturing defects no sharp corners or sharp edges.
3, safety rope diameter size must be calibrated using the rope diameter within the range of security lock and security lock to be sensitive and reliable. A security lock can only be set up for one person to hang.

★Limit should be set on the gondola bit devices, and limit device is sensitive and reliable
Setup Requirements: cradle cap should be installed positioning device should be installed lower limit means.

Hoist accessories
Basket safety lock
Third, the suspension mechanism
★ support of the building or structure shall be able to withstand the full weight of the basket, the front suspension mechanism bracket should not be supported in building cornice or parapet edge
★ front outer beam elongation in line with the provisions of the product specification
★ front bracket and vertical support surface, the bracket should be fixed to the front bracket adjustment lever node connected with the cantilevered beam
Setup Requirements:
1 force, suspension mechanism is applied to the top surface of the building or structure shall comply with the requirements of the load-bearing structure of the building.
2, front beam overhang length should meet product specification requirements.
★ dedicated and weight meet the design requirements of the counterweight
Setup Requirements:
1, basket hitch or roof trolley must be configured with the appropriate weight, can not use other objects instead of sandbags, bricks and so on.
2, with weights weight shall comply with the product specification requirements, without artificial measures to move the fixed and set up to prevent.
Fourth, rope
★ working rope and security rope shall have a broken wire, loose stocks, hard bend, rust or oil deposits
★ safety rope specifications, models and work the same rope, and should be independent suspension
★ Take appropriate measures to protect the wire rope welding work
Setup Requirements:
1, the basket should use high-strength, galvanized, softness good rope, wire rope shall be the working conditions and breaking force S selection basket wire rope, wire rope for climbing the chosen formula must meet the requirements of GB 8902; for winch We must meet the requirements of GB 1102, and must have product performance certification.
2, the load-bearing rope in any case not less than the actual diameter of 6mm.
3, the rope may not have broken wire, loose stocks, tight bends, corrosion and other defects or oil deposits.
4, the actual rope diameter than the nominal diameter reduction of 7% or more, even without visible broken wire, wire rope also be scrapped.
5, steel wire rope and steel corrosion attack due to losses caused by the relaxation response of the rope to be scrapped.
6, the addition of the same type used on the lifting mechanism and a safety rope hanging in the basket at the platform, safety rope should be independent suspension.
7, during normal operation, the safety rope should be in suspended state.
8, to take measures to protect the basket equipment, wire rope, cable welding work. Welding must not be placed in the basket, welding cables may not touch any part of the basket; welding clamp can not be hooked on the basket. It is forbidden to use the basket to make welding wire loop.
2016/06/25 11:01:16 466 Click


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