
Wuxi Shiding Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Hanging basket and accessories



Basket accessories and processing analysis

Basket accessory for use when we need to pay attention to him in strict accordance with the construction program to install, platform to hoist the connection must be solid, reliable and not have any loose phenomenon, but we should always check to security fence basket after installing the platform should not skew distortion, and other defects, and hoist, all exposed rotating parts must be fitted with a hood or a similar protective devices, security devices, such as its brake stroke limit bit security lock, be sure to always to install after the inspection, the rope should be installed to comply with the relevant provisions do not allow to connect two or more wire rope or repair method lengthened, and he shall not go off the basket, basket accessories and processing and analysis of oil debris sticky touch.
We must work every day before a routine inspection of the basket components, first check the roof support system of steel wire rope and counterweight work safety technical condition of the wire rope, there is no incompatibility shall be promptly corrected. Then check the gondola machinery and electrical equipment, make sure it works, and reliable grounding measures, starting gondola lift repeated lifting mechanism to check the safety lock, brake and work to ensure the normal operation of the motor after, before the official run. Good luck to do the process of emergency measures in the construction of a sudden power failure which, we should immediately switch off the electrical box, and then cut off the power supply to prevent accidental calls when suddenly, the reasons for judgment power to decide whether to return to the ground, such as how to check if the accessories after a short time the most rational basket Accessories power outage, you need to notify an incoming call on the power switch always check the normal operation can start work if a prolonged power outage or equipment failure because of the power should be timely to manually make the platform stable downhill to the ground. If electric basket accessories manual confirmation and downhill device should fail, blue outer contact front desk personnel to take appropriate safety measures. Press and hold up or down under normal circumstances singing suspension platform up or down button to release the button to stop the run operation.
2016/06/25 10:55:43 428 Click


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