
Wuxi Shiding Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Hanging basket and accessories



Wuxi Shiding Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. is located in the beautiful "hometown of hanging baskets" - Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, within the Yangjian Machinery Equipment Industrial Park in Yangjian Town, Xishan District, Wuxi City. It is adjacent to Shanghai and Suzhou in the east, and the Taihu Lake Lake in the south. It is only 5 kilometers away from Wuxi East Railway Station. It is only an hour's drive from S19 Tongxi Expressway to Shanghai, with convenient north-south transportation. Strong industrial foundation and developed material transportation....




小微型湿法纺丝设备| 不锈钢膜片压力表| 重型钢格板| 自动化编程| 干式酸性吸附剂生产厂家| 数显表维修| 钢筋水泥管机械| MotronaGV470分配器| 平板法导热仪| 防腐导波雷达物位计| LOKE迪马斯激光测距传感器| 高频压力传感器| 全自动真空上料机| 电子简支梁冲击试验机| 贺利氏锌液定铝仪| 光缆垂直燃烧试验机| 直流发生器| 激光对中仪| 品牌机械密封厂家| 旋转环盘电极RRDE| 水下清淤工程| ROHS检测仪| PRElectronics变送器| 铝型材食品级输送机| 热敏试纸| 成安县鑫鸿机械加工营业部| PIKE溴化钾| 电接点气压表| 电瓶车充电桩| 插入式粉尘检测仪| 生物液氮储存系统| 小型气相液氮罐| 椰壳活性炭| 手提式强光巡检工作灯| 3000EX(美国英思科气体检测仪MX4MX6)百科| 河南酒店隔断| 香精香料| 搪瓷反应罐修补| 消防高温排烟风机| 湿漏电流测试仪| 爱克发工业胶片|