
Wuxi Shiding Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Hanging basket and accessories



Timely maintenance and repair of electric basket basket with

For the latter part of the maintenance of electric basket accessories, we have to pay attention, we first need to check a few of their main parameters, if in need of repair needs to be repaired can not be repaired to be replaced, especially for those parts exceeded, If the body can be deformed or cracks will be repaired or replaced according to the material of the housing, if the plastic material, repair, if it is to crack the brittle material to be replaced, an amount sufficient to give the lubricant, and in after reassembling the factory in accordance with the requirements of a comprehensive performance inspection and calibration, after passing inspection while the factory will be able to overhaul the certificate issued, suspended platforms and suspension mechanism electrical control enclosure If the inspection found that the surface of attachment member, it would be long-term timely clean-up, there is no deformation member view, there are no cracks, wear and corrosion resistance there will be another time for a major overhaul after the test must be done using general member for some time about the wear or corrosion when there is no excessive if it exceeds 10% to be replaced basket, timely maintenance and repair of electric basket accessories after we have checked and re-painted.
That we gondola fittings used when we need to pay attention to him in strict accordance with the construction program to install platform to enhance the bonding machine must be solid, reliable and not have any loose phenomenon, but we should always to check, safety barriers basket after installing the platform should not skew distortion, and other defects, and hoist, all exposed rotating parts must be fitted with a hood or a similar protective devices, security devices, such as its travel limit safety lock brakes, be sure to always to install after inspection, the rope should be installed to comply with the relevant provisions do not allow to connect two or more wire rope or repair method lengthened, and he shall not go off, touch the sticky oil class debris.
2016/06/25 10:55:00 424 Click


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