
Wuxi Shiding Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Hanging basket and accessories



Independent basket skills

After the gondola operators to obtain operating permits issued by the authorities before they operate independently. Gondola operator must operate under the guidance of the master. Post-installation inspection following the test, the basket lease shall ensure delivery of the roof mechanism, the hanging rope weight and should meet the requirements of the power supply voltage is normal, good protection; machinery and equipment properly.

Electric basket
Hoist accessories
Cradle operator shall ensure complete and reliable security protection devices, no debris inside the basket. Do not overload the lift basket running test was carried out, confirmed normal before operation. Job found not functioning properly, it should immediately shut down, and to take security measures. Inspection before repair can not continue to be used without professionals.
After the operation, the operator should be cleaned basket, hanging at 3m from the ground, cut off the power, removed the ladder.
2016/06/25 13:26:46 492 Click


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