
Wuxi Shiding Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Hanging basket and accessories



Use basket safety lock precautions

Note construction basket safety lock for use 
1, before each operation, according to the requirements of this specification for Security Lock, examinations real safety lock lock lock wire rope from the standard distance is about to lift off the ground electric basket level 1 meter close a hoist, manipulate other a hoist down, until the safety locks rope. And then measuring the electric basket at both ends of the bottom surface elevation meets the standard rope from the lock, safety lock inspection methods left and right ends of symmetry, does not exceed the range of the standard lock rope distance, before they start the job.

Hoist accessories
Basket safety lock
2, the security lock calibration period of one year, more than the standard period, should be sent to the manufacturer for repair and re-calibration. Security lock calibration period of one year, more than the standard period, should be sent to the manufacturer for repair and re-calibration
3, the unauthorized destruction of seals open safety lock. 
4, in the work basket rise or fall during work at both ends of the rope should observe whether safety locks are in the bottom by the middle rounds, when the rope close to the wheel by the side arm, the impact of the right angle lock rope safety lock, this time must be properly adjust the lateral position of the basket persons or objects, so that the work basket lateral basic level, the rope can work in the correct position, and then the lifting operation.
2016/06/25 13:52:42 533 Click


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