
Wuxi Shiding Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Hanging basket and accessories



Hanging basket accessories

Centrifugal speed limiter using rotating centrifugal force, the faster the speed, the greater the pressure of friction skin of rims, deceleration role during emergencies. Warm prompt: friction skin does not change throughout the year, because of the friction burn may lead to motor cannot be started.
Motor in the case of no lack of phase, the brake coil has been completely open (and voice), the motor won't start basically has the following reasons
1, the centrifugal governor
2, increasing the electromagnetic friction plate gap and not suck up, also the friction plate
Tooth set of rust was dead within three, electromagnetic friction plate, friction plate not free to move up and down
4, hoist the spill, resulting in temperature is high, the meshing of worm and worm wheel without lubrication and killed.
Welcome to choose our company centrifugal speed limiter.


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