
Wuxi Shiding Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Hanging basket and accessories



How to play the maximum benefit hoist

Users always want to maximize the effectiveness of the hoist, hoist speed increase and the overall situation of the machine-related, we should depart from the hoist itself is hoist maximize function.
1, rationally adjust the size of the hopper pitch
2, set the striker plate.
3, tensioner bolt protection, good rust and dust.
4, buy high-quality belt or chain
5. Set the drive wheel slip
6, the head of the hoist machine equipped with anti-reversal device
7, in the elevator head and bottom set suction pipe and vents
8, must be someone to operate
9, regularly filling oil
Installation retaining plate in the bucket elevator at the top discharge, which can effectively prevent the backflow of material back into the bottom of the elevator. Blocking plate made of wear-resistant rubber material has a certain toughness of rubber. Retaining plate and the distance between the hopper should be about 15mm. In the bucket elevator part of the equipment of the driven wheel speed sensor, the sensor produces a voltage or current signal, the instrument can be set by the maximum and minimum speed. When the bucket hoist speed beyond this range, after a delay, if the speed is still out of range alarm on and off the air switch, effectively protect the normal operation of the bucket elevator machine. In the bucket elevator capstan surface riveted or bonded slip resistance (tolerance) wear rubber cloth, can effectively improve the coefficient of friction between the capstan and the belt to prevent belt slippage, improve efficiencies. If the capstan tables too smooth, too much tension the belt would need to ensure the normal operation of the hoist, the belt would be too much tension and reduce the life of the belt. In the bucket elevator work in a sudden power outage, the reverse bucket elevator is very dangerous. Bucket elevator in the promotion process, the upstream side of the hopper is filled with the material, and the other side is emptied of material downstream empty hopper. After power interruption, bucket elevator due to gravity reversal will occur. With the reversal of the material hopper are discharged to the bottom of the bucket elevator machine until after the hopper filled with jam. Since inversion is an accelerated movement, and then was suddenly stuck, it is easy to tear off the hopper, the belt is damaged, or even broken. Also at the bottom of the bucket elevator full of material, but also the bucket elevator fail to start. Anti-reverse ratchet mechanism may be employed.
In addition to the above, but also do check hoist maintenance work to ensure smooth production.
2016/06/25 10:51:27 490 Click


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