
Wuxi Shiding Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Hanging basket and accessories



Application Status of electric basket

Electric basket from the introduction, promotion, and today is widely used in the construction industry, so that the degree of mechanization level of civilization in this area and the construction has a greatly improved. From the beginning of the promotion do not know, do not understand, is not used to this day in the construction industry in the cities has become indispensable essential equipment, is a great improvement on the people in the industry thought and understanding; in construction the technological level and compared to conventional scaffolding, is an unprecedented leap.
Because of this, the basket of domestic manufacturing and leasing industry mushrooming development, the country's manufacturing companies no less than hundreds of hanging baskets, with formal procedures also dozens, Not only that, the basket structure, technology , the process has been greatly improved and enhanced. As early basket, hanging bodies material is beam. Great weight, installation and handling requires a lot of manpower and material resources. At the same time reach the I-beam structure is cantilevered manner, the stability of its force is much less than the zipper now widely used in portable and stable.
2016/06/25 10:45:14 426 Click


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