
Wuxi Shiding Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Hanging basket and accessories



Principle of electric basket

Electric basket full name for electric operations basket height. It is the use of advanced production technology, reasonable structure, and other structures of the basket compared with a heightening convenient, simple operation, safe and reliable, a variety of specifications, low investment and high efficiency. Mainly for high-rise building facade construction, bridge construction, chimney construction. Upper and lower electric power from the electric basket basket private elevator. Before installation, first check whether the electric hoist basket dedicated normal load. Operation of the workers must be equipped with a basket relatively safe seat belt.
Electric basket as an advanced auxiliary construction technology, more and more accepted by the building's exterior construction unit, and use in construction. Especially in recent years, China's rapid economic development, high-rise building structures, high-rise, more and more electric basket to make rapid promotion. Just a few years, electric basket of several enterprises from the original to the current regional industry (Beijing, Wuxi, Jiangsu, Shandong Liaocheng, Cangzhou, Hebei), size, style, fashion promotion has become diversified.
2016/06/25 10:43:13 447 Click


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