
Wuxi Shiding Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Hanging basket and accessories



Electric basket what aspects need to be paid attention to wh

Safety is the most important part of every life, as long as the security, will have the opportunity to continue to create living space in the future. No matter is poor now, or what the unpleasant things, as long as you are healthy, now still have a chance to live in this world, it will also continue to create your own life in the future. Such is life, don't know what will happen in the future, especially the people engaged in some dangerous work, the construction site should be dangerous part of the work area, aerial work, so must be guaranteed in the security engineering. Now a lot of engineering are beginning to use electric basket, this is a more advanced construction tools, can effectively provide work efficiency and safety coefficient can also be increased.
Electric basket must pay attention to moistureproof waterproof box, this is the most important steps to guarantee the safe operation. Electric basket is the manner in which the use of electric for aerial work. If high in the sky, once the circuit into the water, so the workers in the work high above the cause the health problems of life. These are must be pay attention to in the work, as long as the guarantee of their state of health life, to ensure that their life after the chance more creation.
You must be aware of when using electric basket put light to light, because electric basket is welding manner, if once the air pressure is too great, it's easy to scatter welding shock, cause great hidden danger to workers health. These are all in the construction site must pay attention to the hidden trouble. Make sure before use electric basket is safe, various welding mouth also must be closely connected.
2016/06/25 09:29:15 427 Click


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