
Wuxi Shiding Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Hanging basket and accessories



Knowledge of security and detection of electric basket

Here is knowledge about electric basket of acceptance and security aspects of the check points.
1. Safety Data
(1) electric basket to enter the construction site, on-site security staff should be provided manufacturer's production license, proof of qualified products manufactured, if necessary, to the relevant departments for the record.
An important basis (2) electric basket to enter the construction site, the age of the supplied information, including installation, use and maintenance instructions, as well as other relevant information, should be given on-site security administrator, to serve as future security check and acceptance .
(3) electric basket of installation and removal, should be prepared related special programs, and reported to the relevant departments for approval, and can not be arbitrarily changed.
2. The test run
Electric basket commissioning, should be sensitive and reliable electrical control, limit device should be safe and reliable, anti-fall safety lock should be effective and reliable, and can not exceed the rated load capacity.
3. Check the safety of operating personnel
(1) the worker to wear a helmet, wear seatbelts, and can not exceed a predetermined number.
(2) seat belt use in the anti-lock safety rope fall, can not hang on the basket.
4. Check the proper use of electric basket
Electric basket can not be used for vertical transportation, can not connect more than one use, not to widen use.
5. Check the violations of workers
(1) the worker can not cross between the basket, can not decline along the rope.
(2) can not crooked basket with oblique pull, between floors, the worker can not cross, to prevent accidents.
6. Check the electrical safety basket
It should be installed leakage protection and other safety devices on the basket, if you want lighting should be low-voltage running lights 36 volts.
2016/06/25 09:23:52 422 Click


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